Community Wealth Building
24 mei 15:00 – 18:00, afterwards diner
How can citizens, civil society, enterprises and the municipality work together to create a fair and inclusive economy? How can money that is earned locally stay in the community? Community Wealth Building (CWB) is an economic development model that transforms local economies based on communities having direct ownership and control of their assets. Democratising the economy through CWB is a central aim of Samen Nieuw-West (national program for the next 20 years). What will this look like and what is the potential role of citizen initiatives in this process?
We will start with a presentation by Ted Howard (Cofounder of The Democracy Collaborative and pioneer of the community wealth-building movement). After some time for questions there will be three short presentations by bottom-up initiatives from Amsterdam Nieuw-West (Cooperatie Samen aan de Slag, Circulair Bedrijf Wildeman, De Groene Cooperatie) that can possibly be strengthened through CWB. In breakout groups we will brainstorm on the potential and dilemma’s of these initiatives.
After a short recap and conclusion there will be time for more informal exchange, some drinks and diner together.
Community Building
25 mei 10:00 – 12:30, 09:00 breakfast
How to use reciprocity to build communities and alliances? This morning we will talk about community building and exchange perspectives and experiences from Amsterdam Nieuw-West with community builders from Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Riga, Milan, Turin. We start at 09:00 with breakfast, afterwards there’s lunch.
From Amsterdam Nieuw-West there will be short presentations on:
– commoning by Samenwonen-Samenleven
– VuilnisOproer, a network of citizens, citizen initiatives, cultural organisations and civil servants dealing with waste.
– Samen Leren in de Wijk, a collaboration of elementary schools with neighbourhood organisations.
The program starts at 10:00, but there will be breakfast before and afterwards there’s lunch.
(Both meetings are in English)